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- «c2»«ac»DEPTH - WHAT NOW?«»
- «»
- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»Depth is a group which got founded in Denmark back in July 1993. It's actually
- a result of two totally unknown and unproductive groups joining forces.
- Those two groups were CURE consisting of Curt Cool, Gismoduck and Folcka,
- and the crew CONIAC with Quedax and Nightsight. Together these 5 guys
- started a group which we all should get to know later on, as «c6»DEPTH!«»
- «»
- «ac»«c5»THE DEBUT«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»In March 1994 the first production from Depth got released. It was a
- «c6»chippack «c7»featuring music by Curt Cool, code by Quedax and graphics from
- Nightsight.«»
- «»
- Only a few months later on the next issue of their «c6»CoolTunes «c7»got released,
- it was in June. This time not only Curt Cool did the music, but also Trip
- contributed.«»
- «»
- In December the last issue of «c6»CoolTunes «c7»got out, it was created by the same
- people as in the previous issue.«»
- «»
- This was the first year of productivity from the new group Depth. And
- already at this stage the group had been noticed by other sceners. Not
- mainly because of their productions, but because of their weird behaviour
- at various parties. I remember them at one party (The Gathering 94 or The
- Party 94) running around in doctors clothes plain crazy.«»
- «»
- Depth also began to get members in alot of various countries, and still
- today they have members in countries such as Denmark, Norway
- Finland and England I think. In the past they've also had members in some
- other countries, like in Poland and Sweden for instance.«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The next years Depth released quite many productions really. They created
- an intro simply called «c6»Weird «c7»at the South Sealand party in coop with IRIS.
- It was done by Elohim and Ib. Depth also did a «c6»4k
- intro «c7»in August 1995 done by Paithan for the code and Curt Cool for the
- music. And one called «c6»Elefont «c7»with code by Paithan, but with music by Solo at
- the same month.«»
- «»
- Depth released some swaptros with code by Hangman, graphics by Opal and
- music by Timer.«»
- «»
- In April 1996 Depth released a 4k intro at the Gathering party featuring
- Paithan (code) and Solo (music).«»
- «»
- At the South-Sealand party in June 1996 they released the demo called
- «c6»Darkhawk Er S0d «c7»(Darkhawk is cute), which is also spread under the name Vi
- Elsker Darkhawk (We Love Darkhawk). It was coded by Presence, while Folcka
- and Ib did the graphics and Cytron the music. At the same time, the
- animationdemo called «c6»Puost «c7»got released. It was created by Elohim, Folcka,
- Ib and Trip.«»
- «»
- In August 1996 they released «c6»two 4k intros «c7»at IO3, done by Cerber and
- Hangman.«»
- «»
- Not very long after, in October 1996, the joketro «c6»Bol Boller «c7»got released
- at the SM'96 party. It was coded by Blueberry, with Cytron doing the music.«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»In 1996 Depth was still not one of the most famous groups around, but
- it had been rumoured for a about a year that they had taken over the
- «c6»EuroChart «c7»from Static Bytes. And in December 1996 the first issue from
- Depth got released. It was EuroChart issue 28. The code was done by
- Quedax, and the new main-editors were Cytron and Curt Cool. The music and
- gfx got of course changed from each issue.«»
- «»
- In February in the year of 1997, Depth released their winner demo called
- «c6»Tetsuo «c7»at the Scene Meeting. It was created by Optima which did some code
- and graphics, Internet did also some gfx, and Curt Cool did the music.«»
- In March another issue of The EuroChart got relased. It was issue 29.«»
- «»
- At the Mekka-Symposium in April Depth released a 40k intro called «c6»Bol. «c7»It was
- coded by Presence, graphics by Folcka and Ib, and music by Trip.«»
- «»
- Issue 30 of the «c6»EuroChart «c7»got released in May.«»
- «»
- In June 1997 the first production coded by Cytron got released, it was the
- demo «c6»Frankofon. «c7»A tribute to Curt Cool. Cytron also did everything else in
- this production. Cytron also coded another production there, it was a
- sponsordemo for the TCP97-party called «c6»BebeToTeFoFu. «c7»Cytron also did the
- music and graphics by the way. At the same party also a 40k intro called
- «c6»Placebo «c7»got released. It was coded by Optima, gfx by Ib and music by Trip.
- At the Kindergarden party, they released the 64k intro «c6»Chexue. «c7»It was coded
- by Jaffa, graphics by Sprocket, but the font was done by Allanon.«»
- «»
- In October issue 31 of the «c6»EuroChart «c7»got released. The team behind the mag
- was unchanged.«»
- «»
- «c6»IDEA 1 «c7»was a demo which got released in November the same year. The code
- was done by Pigeon and Omen and music by Brainstorm.«»
- «»
- In December, a 40k intro called «c6»Govinda, «c7»got released at the Party 7. It
- was coded by Optima, graphics by Ib and music by Curt Cool. At the same
- party Depth also released the demo called «c6»Idoru, «c7»which was also done by the
- same people. But that was not all, Optima also coded a 4k intro called
- «c6»Seven. «c7»I think Depth also released an intro called «c6»Durasel «c7»this year.
- They also released the «c6»EuroChart «c7»issue 32 in December.«»
- «»
- In February 1998 Depth released a «c6»slideshow «c7»with the pictures from The Party.
- It was coded by the active Optima and music by Curt Cool.«»
- «»
- The next released from these guys came at the Mekka-Symposium party in
- April. There they released an 40k intro called «c6»Desire «c7»coded by Cytron,
- graphics by Ib and music by Curt Cool. Also the «c6»Tetsuo 2, «c7»40k intro, got
- out at that party. It was created by Optima (code), Ib (gfx) and Curt Cool
- (music). The fastintro called «c6»Wer Hat Dicke Eier, «c7»in coop with Efreet, also
- got released at the MS party. It was coded by Blueberry and Cytron, gfx by
- Ib and music by Cytron. This month Depth also released issue 33 of the very
- famous «c6»EuroChart!«»
- «»
- «c7»In July Depth released an intro called «c6»Job Advert Intro «c7»where they were
- searching for more members. It was coded by Optima, graphics by Ib and
- music by Curt Cool. They also released «c6»EuroChart «c7»issue 34 that month.«»
- «»
- Already in October Depth managed to release yet another issue of the
- «c6»EuroChart. «c7»This time is was issue 35.«»
- «»
- At the Kindergarden party in November they released «c6»Onanina. «c7»It was coded
- by Jaffa, with gfx by Sprocket and music by Slumgud.«»
- «»
- At the end of the year, a Christmas intro called «c6»Bamse, «c7»got released. It
- was created by Jaffa (code), Sprocket (gfx) and Curt Cool (music).«»
- «»
- «ac»«c5»THE LATEST YEARS«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The latest years Depth haven't been that active as in the past. But still,
- in February they released issue 36 of the «c6»EuroChart. «c7»And in April
- at the Mekka-Symposium party in 1999, they released 3 productions. It was
- the crazy «c6»AlpenClub52 «c7»demo coded by Cytron, gfx by Ib and music by Cytron.
- Depth also released the «c6»Kryptonite 40k intro «c7»there, which came second in
- the competition. It was coded by Kollaps, graphics by Ib and music by Curt
- Cool. And last, they released the 4k intro called «c6»Str8. «c7»It was coded by
- Cytron, music by Cytron and gfx by Ib. They also managed to release yet
- another issue of the «c6»EuroChart «c7»this month. It was issue 37.«»
- «»
- In July the follow up to Kryptonite was released, it was the «c6»Kryptonite II
- «c7»40k intro released at the Scene Meeting. Both the code and music was done
- by Kollaps.«»
- «»
- In August the last issue of the «c6»EuroChart «c7»entirely done by Depth was made.
- It was issue 38.«»
- «»
- At the end of the year, in December, «c6»Depth in coop with IRIS, «c7»released
- issue 39 of the «c6»EuroChart.«»
- «»
- «c7»In the very beginning of the new millenium, Depth released an intro called
- Lonely. Cytron created it totally by himself.«»
- «»
- In April yet another issue of the «c6»EuroChart «c7»in cooperation with IRIS got
- released. It was issue 40. The «c6»EuroChart «c7»issue 41 got released in the
- autumn that year.«»
- «»
- Last year, 2001, Depth in coop with IRIS released «c6»EuroChart «c7»issue 42 in
- February. This is actually the last real coop issue with IRIS, as Depth
- didn't contribute in issue 43. Nevertheless, issue 43 released in July this
- year is consided to be the «c6»last issue «c7»under the Depth & IRIS label
- together. The next issue suppose to be only done by IRIS, and will probably
- be released in a few days.«»
- «»
- At the Trsac 3 party in October Depth in coop with Haujobb and TRSI,
- released the demo called «c6»Bizzare Love Triangle. «c7»At the same party it was
- also reported that Depth released a «c6»musicpack «c7»in THX format done by Cytron
- (code), Ib (graphics) and I guess we all know which members who did the
- music, hehe... Anyway, I haven't managed to get hold of this production
- yet. At the Kindergarden party in November, Depth released a small production
- (dentro) named «c6»Arcane Lugter. «c7»It was coded by Cytron and Sprocket did some
- gfx. I can't really tell you anything about this production as it crashes
- on my machine. In any case, Arcane Lugter was also the last
- production so far that I know of from Depth.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c5»WHAT NOW DEPTH?«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»What's the future of Depth now? They've been involved with amazingly 16
- issues of the EuroChart and released LOTS of intros & demos in the past.
- The latest time the group has turned more inactive though, and now last the
- famous chartmag EuroChart is no longer under their label either. The main
- persons behind Depth the latest years, like «c6»Curt Cool and Cytron «c7»are quite
- busy with many other things. Curt Cool is studying much (read: partying),
- and Cytron has got himself a more than well-paid job. In the beginning of
- 2002 Depth also kicked a few members for inactivity (Bucko and Rolex).
- Despite if this, Depth still have a few productionplans. A few days ago a
- new coder named «c6»Skurk «c7»joined in Norway, and he's already working on
- something. It also seems like Depth
- plan to release (more) issues of their new musicpack in THX format.
- I'm sure we'll get to see many more crazy productions from them in the
- future.«»
- «»
- For those that haven't seen the productions mentioned here, try to get your
- hands on them. Mostly they're «c6»quite weird. «c7»Therefore it's not the usual
- kind of style you've seen so many times before done by other groups.«»
- «»
- Hopefully we'll see many more productions from this «c6»crazy gang! «c7»Good
- luck to you all.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Allanon - Organizer/Designer«»
- Bakerman - Web«»
- Curt Cool - Organizer/Ed/Msx/Swapper«»
- Cope - Musician«»
- Cytron - Coder/Editor/Musician«»
- Folcka - Graphician«»
- Khaos - Coder«»
- Gizmoduck - Organizer/Web«»
- Heatwave - Organizer/Swapper«»
- Hund - Graphician/Web«»
- IB - Graphician«»
- Jaffa - Coder«»
- Nightsight - Graphician«»
- Paithan - Coder«»
- Presence - Coder«»
- Quedax - Coder«»
- Sido - Sysop«»
- Skurk - Coder«»
- Slumgud - Musician«»
- Sprocket - Organizer/Graphician«»
- Swaxi - Musician, Coder«»
- «»
- «e»